By Open Doors 27 August 2024 4 MIN

Bangladesh: Political Crisis Leads to Persecution of Christians

On Monday, 5 August, Bangladesh’s recently deposed Prime Minister, Sheikh Hasina, resigned after student-led protests turned into a violent demand for change in the country. Sheikh Hasina quickly resigned and fled to India, a country who ruled over Bangladesh for 15 consecutive years. Thus, beginning the country’s lawless and out-of-order administration that left people uncertain, fearful, and in panic.

In this leadership gap, Islamic fundamentalists took their chance to attack, loot, and persecute minority communities all over the country. As a result, thousands of minority communities’ homes have been destroyed, and many civilians are in hiding. In the last three weeks, most Christians have not left their homes and have limited their movements to avoid persecution.

Among the persecuted minorities, Christians are the most vulnerable. Many of their houses have been destroyed, belongings and domestic animals looted, farms destroyed, and many others have been physically beaten, threatened to be killed, and pressured to leave their land property.

This is just one of the stories we’ve heard from the field. Our local partners are helping more persecuted Christians in Bangladesh.

Muslim Background Believer: Safiq Biswas

Safiq Biswas is a Muslim background believer whose house was attacked on 10 August while he was working in his field. His daughter called him on the phone asking him to go to home because a group of local Muslim people were attacking their home. They were shouting and yelling slogans against Christians, “Drive out the Christians from Bangladesh!” all while looking for Safiq Biswas.

The perpetrators looted his belongings and broke the fences of his house.

A couple of days after the attack, he visited his home. “I could not believe what I have seen. They took revenge on me by attacking my house. I am lucky that during the time I was out of home. Otherwise, they could’ve killed me. My Lord protected me by sending me to the field. Now, my family members are staying in different relatives’ places.”

Open Doors’ Presence

Open Doors’ local partner in Bangladesh is actively working among the persecuted believers. “We are contacting believers everywhere in the country though we have restriction of movement,” said a local partner, “We are intentionally and actively contacting our partners, pastors, evangelists, and local sources to inform us if they know or find any family who is persecuted. We are working to reach the persecuted immediately with food and emergency shelter so that they can survive amid this crisis.”

Please continue to pray for the believers in Bangladesh.

Pray for Bangladesh

  • Pray for all Christians in Bangladesh, for their protection and safety. Though all are not persecuted, they are all vulnerable. Pray that all the Christians will be united and strengthen themselves in such suffering, especially the leaders, they will take initiatives in their respective ministries to guide and lead the believers.
  • Pray for the persecuted believers who are physically tortured, houses destroyed and damaged, belongings looted, and those who must go into hiding. Ask God to comfort them and help them overcome such suffering and pain.
  • Pray for God to be kind and merciful to the persecutors and to give them wisdom to know the love of the Lord so they can know salvation through Jesus. Pray they turn to the Lord for forgiveness and mercy.

Stay updated with the latest prayer requests from the persecuted church.