A Note of Thanks from Our CEO
To our supporters,
I’d like to extend my heartfelt gratitude for your generous support and prayers for the ministry of Open Doors.
In 2023, we saw several crises globally. There have been more killings, more attacks on Christian schools, clinics, and churches, and a surge in Christians who have had to flee their homes. Yet, as persecution intensified, so did your prayer and support.
For your prayer, financial investment, and generous decision to support your persecuted family, I am immensely grateful.
In Christ,
Adam Holland
CEO Open Doors New Zealand and Australia
helped through your generosity.
You’ve Made A Difference

New Zealanders prayed with the persecuted church.

New Zealanders supported the persecuted church through donations.

Churches partnered with the persecuted church.

Countries where you continue to strengthen the persecuted church.

How We Work In The Field

Researching Persecution
Our expert teams conduct extensive research to understand the realities of persecution on the ground, interpreting trends, and identifying regions in most need of Open Doors’ support. The World Watch List is our extensive annual report explaining the outcomes of this research.

Designing Projects
Once we have identified the most vulnerable regions, we then work with local partners and teams on the ground to create programs. These programs are designed region by region to have the most significant impact for believers living with persecution, based on the unique needs of the local church.

Engaging Support
This is where you come in. Supporters like you respond to the needs in a region, either through prayer or generous giving. Your support allows us to accomplish the goals of the project and makes a real impact on individuals, families, and communities.

Project Execution
Finances are distributed back to our programs through a well-audited process, enabling our teams and local partners to administer both short-term aid and long-term ministry. This support could look like Bible distribution, discipleship training, trauma care, and more, helping believers to see they are not alone.
IN 2023
At Open Doors, we take our mission seriously
– to strengthen the body of Christ around the world, and support those Christians who are most persecuted.
Excellent financial stewardship of the resources given to us is integral to that mission.
This is a breakdown of where we invested your generous donations in 2023.

Strengthen believers where it’s needed most
Your Support Changes Lives
By giving to Where Most Needed, you enable Open Doors local partners to respond to the needs of those who are most persecuted around the world.
I’ll Strengthen the Church