By Open Doors 11 May 2020

Podcast: Choosing Fear Over Love: A Christian Response to Islam – Episode 36

This podcast brings the persecuted church to life, with each episode containing life-changing stories that mentor us in our faith as we learn how to follow Jesus no matter the cost.


Episode 36 – Overview

Each month we will be releasing 4 different episodes – a story that inspires you, a message that unpacks scripture and builds your faith, a lesson that we’ve learn from the persecuted church and also, we will be introducing you to a range of special guests.

In this episode join us, for a deep dive into 1 Corinthians 13. Learn what it means to choose love over fear, especially as we reflect on Islam during Ramadan.

In this episode:

  • A radical conversion story from an Islamic extremist.
  • How 1 Corinthians 13 is more than a wedding verse.
  • An acronym for ISLAM that will challenge your thinking.



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This podcast is brought to you by Open Doors Australia & New Zealand.

Open Doors began in 1955 when Brother Andrew smuggled Bibles to persecuted Christians. We now work in over 70 countries supporting Christians who are persecuted for their faith in Jesus. To find out what it’s like to be a Christian in the most dangerous places on the planet, check out our World Watch List.