COVID-19 continues to cause hardship and uncertainty throughout the world. But for those facing persecution for their faith, COVID-19 creates additional obstacles. Your support has allowed Open Doors to reach those most in need, allowing the Church to continue growing in some of the hardest places.
Nurses in Asia
Christian nurses in Asia have been discriminated against for their faith, leading to dangerous and unmanageable situations. One nurse recently spoke with a partner of Open Doors.
Image: A Bangladesh nurse, with patient.
“Please raise prayer for us. We are so tired and this morning we discovered that Christian nurses are being assigned Corona cases, because it is dangerous and the Muslim nurses don’t want the risk. We are dispensable. Please pray. Pray for us to be His hands and feet.”
In Asia, Open Doors has provided parcels to help believers who are facing increased persecution and are in desperate need of assistance. These packages can provide sanitation, lessons on hygiene and food that will last families for at least two months.
Online in Iran
Even before COVID-19, Christians in Iran couldn’t meet in a church. Instead, they would hold secret gatherings with other believers in their homes. But government restrictions, put in place to stop the spread of the virus, have made these meetings impossible. An Open Doors Partner, Salomeh*, recounts how the church has stayed strong through this time.
Image: Pastor George from Alliance church, Middle East, praying in his home.
“In this time of crisis, we have over 10 hours of prayer meetings every day (online). We created a special prayer schedule that we call ‘Frontline’ where prayer members can virtually walk in and out to come to pray together.
“Your support and prayers result in the growth of the kingdom. The church in Iran is still alive, even though church buildings are closed, even though a pandemic is terrorizing our country. I pray that one day we will all be standing in front of God’s throne, knowing we’ve done our part in the Kingdom.”
In the Middle East, your support has allowed us to support virtual meetings and online church gatherings that break the isolation many Christians are experiencing.
Answered Prayer in India
Indian Christians faced a crisis when their country was sent into lockdown to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Many believers were left without a source of income which highlighted the very real threat of starvation.
Image: Women receiving food packages from Open Doors, India.
Partners of Open Doors have been able to provide hundreds of families with packages of food. One believer lost her job as a rickshaw driver and was struggling to provide for her children. Upon receiving her food package she exclaimed “This is really the answer to my prayers.”
In India, your support has been a light during a time of darkness — ensuring the survival of the church facing persecution and starvation.
Your Impact
Around the world, as Christians face persecution and pandemic, supporters of Open Doors have allowed us to reach those most in need. There is hope in this time of uncertainty.
*names changed for security purposes