By Open Doors 6 November 2023 3 MIN

‘God has faithfully been with us.’ | Finding Hope in Pakistan

Finding Hope in Pakistan

Two months after the devastating violence in Jaranwala, Christians like Razia are finding hope in Pakistan thanks to your support and prayers.

The Impact of the Violence

Razia* and her family live on a remote street in Punjab, Pakistan, where there are six Christian families and a small prayer room. But their lives were upended in mid-August when their community was overrun by an angry mob who set fire to homes and churches. Razia’s home, homes of other believers, and the small prayer room, were all attacked during the violence that impacted Christians in and around Jaranwala.

“We are just a handful of families,” Razia’s father cries, “Who could have told hundreds of angry people to come and attack us and pull down our church? We do not understand.”

Your Support is Changing Lives

Your support meant that families like Razia’s got the help they needed.

“Even after the incident, no one knew we were here. You are the first people who have come to us.”

Razia echoed her father’s surprise when Open Doors local partners knocked on their door. “How did you find us? No one knows we are here!” she exclaimed.

For many days, no one had contacted them or their pastor. But when Open Doors partners arrived, the joy that radiated from Razia and her family was undeniable.

“God has faithfully been with us and met our needs,” she told us.

Thanks to your support, Open Doors’ local partners on the ground have been equipped to help with both immediate and long-term needs in the affected communities. Your gifts to Open Doors support ongoing efforts in these areas of ministry on the ground.

Keep Praying With Our Family in Jaranwala

The people in Razia’s neighbourhood told local partners that their jobs and businesses were significantly impacted after the violence devastated this Christian community. They ask for our prayers as they recover and restore what was lost. “Please pray for God’s hand on our businesses, our daughters, and our Christian faith; all of these are at risk,” they ask.

Life for Razia and her neighbours remains challenging. The memories of what happened six weeks ago are harrowing and heavy. Please continue to pray for them and the other Christians in this part of Pakistan as they mourn and heal. Ask God to bring the peace that only He can give.

*Name changed for security purposes.

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