By Open Doors 29 June 2017

The End of Ramadan

Ramadan, the holy fasting month for Muslims, has finished. On the last evening, Muslims gathered to celebrate with a feast. Parents buy their children new clothes especially for the occasion. After the feast is over, the street decorations and lights are taken down and stored for next year.

Muslims around the world have been fasting in the hopes that their efforts, donations to the poor, daily prayers and extensive reading of the Qur’an will gain the approval of Allah.

Christians Reaching Out With God’s Love

During Ramadan, there’s normally a handful of Egyptian churches who host street breakfasts to show love to Muslims who have been fasting. But because of the security threat due to recent attacks, many were cancelled this year.

But that didn’t stop one group of Christians! In the middle of Ramadan, they put together 100 boxes full of food (and toys for the children) and went into a small, remote village where they visited Muslim families.

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Maged*, a young Christian man, was one of those who handed out boxes. He shared:

“In one of the homes, the husband said to us: ‘…You show us a love and respect that we don’t see from anybody else.’ People are always open for prolonged talks. They feel safe with us when we visit their homes. When we visit these people and show them God’s love, we feel the heart of Jesus.”

I Can Freely Drink Or Eat In Public

At the end of Ramadan, we spoke with an Open Doors contact in Egypt. Many Christians face persecution for eating and drinking in public while Muslims fast.

He said, “Ramadan is over, a month that feels much longer than just 30 days. I can freely drink or eat in public without receiving despising looks from fasting Muslims. This is true not only for me, but for the millions of Christians throughout the country.”

“Today, while driving in the midday heat, I had to look around to see if anybody was watching me before I could quickly drink some water.” He said. “One of the majorly oppressive seasons for Christians in Egypt is over, but more seasons will follow.”

As hard as it is for Christians during this time, it is also seen as an opportunity to love those who persecute them. 

Nothing Is Impossible For The Saviour

In the old days Muslims would mark the beginning of each month by looking up at the night sky and spotting the crescent moon. Today the moons’ cycle also still determines when the fasting period can end and the celebrations can begin. “If the vision of the crescent brings this much joy… how much more would the everlasting joy, peace and hope of Jesus bring to the lives of Muslims diligently seeking God?” he said. “Nothing is impossible for the Saviour.”


*Name changed for security purposes