
Stand in prayer with persecuted Christians.

Download April-May Prayer Guide

Turn The World Upside-Down

Pray For Persecuted Christians

The Open Doors ministry began with the bold prayers of one Dutch man, Brother Andrew. He knew that without God, his mission to smuggle Bibles could not succeed.

Today, the persecuted church ask for prayer more than almost anything else.

In the most desperate of situations, where almost nothing is certain, they know that God is more powerful than the forces that seek to discourage or destroy them.

Pray For Persecuted Christians

Daily Prayer Guide

Pray with us! Every two months we release a Prayer Guide with a prayer request for each day.

Download April-May Prayer Guide

“If we understood the potential power of our prayers, we would be on our knees a hundred times a day, asking Him for things that would turn the world upside-down.”

Brother Andrew, founder of Open Doors

Pray for the persecuted Church

3 Ways to Pray

Pray for strength
Ephesians‬ ‭3‬:‭16‬-‭19
Suffering believers need strength to endure the pain, and pressure of persecution.

Pray for provision
Philippians‬ ‭4‬:‭19
Faced with poverty, loneliness and isolation, suffering believers need our prayers for God to provide.

Pray for gospel to advance
Phil. 1:9–11
Pray for believers to be bold and wise in sharing their faith and – that despite the challenges – people would come to Christ.

What does the Bible say about persecution?

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“It’s only thanks to you, to your prayers, that we’re still here. If it had not been for your prayers we would have been long gone…”

Local Source, Afghanistan 2021