– For God to help secret believers know they are not alone.
– That God will protect anyone in danger of attacks from al-Shabaab.
– For wisdom for parents as they teach their children to follow Jesus.
If discovered, believers risk being killed on the spot by Islamic extremists.
bottom"When I got home, the men in my family were waiting for me. They beat me and took my mobile phone and they locked me up in a room."
– Nala, a Somali believer forced to flee the country
Somalia remains one of the most dangerous places in the world for believers. Almost all of Somalia’s Christians are from a Muslim background, which makes following Jesus a matter of life and death.
Al-Shabaab, a violent Islamic extremist group determined to enforce a strict form of Sharia (Islamic) law, is committed to eradicating Christianity from Somalia. They have killed Somali Christians on the spot. Over the years, danger has increased as the group’s focus has expanded to finding and eliminating Christian leaders.
Believers also face persecution from their community and family. When it comes to religion, Somali culture is highly conservative. Being Muslim is a huge part of Somali identity, and to reject this is seen as a major betrayal that affects the whole family.
Just being suspected of converting from Islam to Christianity can place a believer’s life at great risk. They can face house arrest, forced marriage, forced Islamic rituals, or threats to their life.
Al-Shabaab continues to create an environment of fear and intimidation, and Christians living in areas controlled by them are in the most immediate danger.
Since Somali culture is primarily clan based and almost exclusively Muslim, women have little opportunity for personal belief or expression. Women or girls suspected of converting to Christianity will commonly be humiliated in public, kept under strict house arrest, abused, abducted, forcibly married to a Muslim, or even killed.
– For God to help secret believers know they are not alone.
– That God will protect anyone in danger of attacks from al-Shabaab.
– For wisdom for parents as they teach their children to follow Jesus.
Open Doors supports Somali believers across the Horn of Africa through discipleship training and by equipping them to cope with severe persecution.